Tips to Find a Career Mentor
If you're looking for a rewarding, career-long learning experience, you may have considered using an online mentorship program as a way to find a rewarding direction in life. Mentorship is defined in the Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary Tenth Edition as "a guiding force or authority, especially of a professional nature, used for guidance." If you're seeking a rewarding and career-long learning experience, an online mentorship can be a great way to get there. There are many ways you can obtain an online mentorship. One way is to enroll in a mentorship program where you will be assigned a mentor - typically an online expert in your field of interest. They will be there to work with you and guide you in your chosen career. Become an online mentor can be great if you're looking to change professions, since a mentor will be where you need to turn when you're ready to make that transition. In popular jargon, this individual is often known as a profess...