
Tips to Find a Career Mentor

  If you're looking for a rewarding, career-long learning experience, you may have considered using an online mentorship program as a way to find a rewarding direction in life. Mentorship is defined in the Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary Tenth Edition as "a guiding force or authority, especially of a professional nature, used for guidance." If you're seeking a rewarding and career-long learning experience, an online mentorship can be a great way to get there. There are many ways you can obtain an online mentorship. One way is to enroll in a mentorship program where you will be assigned a mentor - typically an online expert in your field of interest. They will be there to work with you and guide you in your chosen career. Become an online mentor  can be great if you're looking to change professions, since a mentor will be where you need to turn when you're ready to make that transition. In popular jargon, this individual is often known as a profess...

Things to Keep in Mind Before Choosing an Online Mentor

  Things to Keep in Mind Before Choosing an Online Mentor Online mentoring can be defined as providing professional mentoring to someone who is struggling to find their way in the world. Being an online mentoring platform, it is the duty of a mentor to support and encourage the aspirants/youth unemployed people to chart out their future direction. There are many youth unemployed people in this world who are looking to make their mark on the society and are yet to make their mark. Become an online mentor provides ample opportunities to educate others in the same matter.Through this ICT (Information and Communication Technology), a learner online can be taught many aspects of ICT and can further enhance his knowledge. The learner can obtain job based learning with the aid of his/her mentors. The ICT training helps to make the students understand the basic function and operation of computer systems and its applications. The ICT platform can be used for classroom teaching, web based t...

How to Become a Paid Mentor

                            How to Become a Paid Mentor How to become a paid mentor is not as difficult as it sounds. The first step in this quest is that of selecting the particular field that you want to join and making a decision on how to go about making it successful. There are basically two approaches to becoming a paid mentor online. These are via joining a free to join program or joining a paid to join program. Free to join programs have the advantage of being cheaper and the mentors are usually pretty good at what they do. This however can work against you as there are no guarantees on how much you will be paid for your efforts and time. You could end up spending months working for very little money. On the other hand, the cost of joining a paid mentorship program may seem steep but if you invest a lot of time and effort, you could end up being a millionaire in a short period of time. The second approach tha...